CriticaOptica is a minimal, curated online resource designed to provide easy access to critical theory concepts. To learn more about using this website effectively, go to the Home page.

What is the source for all the notes?

All the notes are taken from the reference book Oxford's A Dictionary of Critical Theory by Ian Buchanan, (2 ed. 2018) . the eISBN of the book is 9780191836305

In regards to the copyright issues, I will take down all the notes as soon as a copyright infringment notice is sent.

Purpose and Scope

This website is intended to function as a:

  1. Quick Reference: This website functions as a readily accessible reference guide for critical/media/cultural/literary theories. It focuses primarily on the works of thinkers associated with Continental Philosophy.

  2. Interactive Visualization: CriticaOptica goes beyond a simple reference point. It aspires to be an interactive tool that helps users visualize the interconnectedness of various concepts, ideas, and seminal figures within critical theory.


While CriticaOptica strives to remain neutral in its presentation, it’s important to acknowledge a potential inherent bias. Due to the focus on Continental Philosophy, many of the thinkers explored here lean towards Leftist, Anarchist, neo-Marxist, and anti-capitalist ideologies.

What this site is NOT

CriticaOptica is not intended to be:

  • A Commercial Platform: This website is a non-profit venture with no financial gain motives.
  • A Substitute for Primary Sources: CriticaOptica serves as a springboard for further exploration. It does not replace the importance of engaging directly with the original works of critical theorists.
  • An Objective Interpretation: CriticaOptica acknowledges the existence of multiple interpretations of critical theory concepts. It strives to present information in a clear and unbiased manner, but it is crucial to remember there may be other perspectives.

Tech stacks

Website Development:

Content Creation:

  • The primary tool for content creation and editing is Obsidian: This allows you to clone the content repository and access it offline for your personal reference.

Content Processing:

  • Python scripts are utilized to parse and segment the original ePub file containing the reference material.

If you want to contribute to this project, just clone the reporistory from GitHub - potatomat0/CriticaOptica and issue a pull request.