
A suffix (or word ending) adapted by Appadurai, Arjun from the word ‘landscape’ in his account of what he calls the cultural economy of globalization. In Modernity at Large (1996), he proposes that there are five different -scapes that, taken together, comprise the ‘imagined world’ (a notion he adapts from Anderson, Benedict’s concept of imagined community) of the present as we understand it from a cultural perspective. These are (i) ethnoscapes (the mobility of people---tourists, workers, migrants, refugees); (ii) mediascapes (the global media and the representations of the world they collectively create); (iii) technoscapes (the mobility of manufacturing); (iv) financescapes (global capital flows); and (v) ideoscapes (the movement and traction of ideas). In order to think about the transition or movement within these different -scapes, Appadurai borrows Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Félix’s concept of deterritorialization.