Spivak, Gayatri. Independently of academia, global businesses (particularly in Japan) have discovered that a one‐size‐fits‐all approach to marketing does not work and that what is required is rather an embedding of their products in a local context. Thus at the start of the new millennium CNN abandoned its model of one centralized newsdesk broadcasting to the world and created instead several localized newsdesks, each one tailored to the specific cultural, ethnic, and political concerns of its region. There is also an activist dimension to this term, as is exemplified in the slogan ‘Think globally, act locally’. Further Reading: Z. Bauman Globalization: The Human Consequences (1998). M. Featherstone et al. (eds.) Global Modernities (1995). F. Jameson and M. Miyoshi (eds.) The Cultures of Globalization (1998).