
The position, variously argued, that feminism (specifically radical feminism or so-called Second Wave feminism) is no longer relevant in the present situation either because (in the affirmative case) it has achieved its goals and has therefore reached its limit of usefulness, or (in the negative case) it was wrongheaded to begin with and has been superseded by a more sophisticated version. More of a sound bite than a fully thought-out concept, it is a fundamentally conservative notion, much like Fukuyama, Francis’s notion of the ‘end of history’, in that it wants to say both that the struggle for equality of the sexes is over and that the struggle was unnecessarily shrill and aggressive to begin with. However, as many feminist commentators have pointed out, the post-feminist position does not reflect the reality on the ground for the majority of women in the world today, who continue to face gender bias in the workplace and at home. Further Reading: S. Faludi Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women (1991).